15 reasons why your iOS apps are getting rejected by the App Store

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15 reasons why your iOS apps are getting rejected by the App Store

With over 2 million mobile apps in the Apple App Store, it’s not an easy feat to enter such a crowded market and make your space there.

When you convert your website to a mobile app, you need to pass the Apple's rigorous review process successfully and get your app approved.

A study shows that 88% of app rejections occur because of the most common faux pas.

If your mobile app is not accepted the first time you submit, it will be challenging to change Apple’s mind when you resubmit, even if the reason is the poor quality of content or app construction.

You cannot afford to miss any of Apple’s guidelines if you want to submit more apps to the iOS app store.

Here, in this post, we have compiled a list of reasons that help you understand why your iOS app gets rejected by the App Store.

Technical Reasons for App Store Rejection

1. Crashes and bugs

Apple rejects incomplete app bundles and binaries that crash or exhibit full-out system failures. You need to get these crashes fixed before submitting app for review on the App Store. If you fail to do so, your app is guaranteed to be rejected. Make sure your mobile app is fully functional.

2. Poor performance

No matter how your app looks and how entertaining it is, Apple expects the app to run fluidly. If your mobile app’s home screen is confusing, navigation is choppy, and app pages take too long to load, users will neglect it. Similarly, with this amount of bugging, Apple will also reject your app.

3. Privacy

Mobile apps should include a direct link to the Privacy Policy page and to Support along with contact information within the app in an easily accessible manner. Make sure your app is compliant with Apple’s strict privacy policy requirement for all apps that appear in the iOS app store.

4. Broken links

If you are making your app available for pre-order, it should be in a final version with all necessary metadata and fully functional URLs. You need to scrub placeholder text, empty websites, and other temporary content before submission for the App Review.

5. Hardware and Software compatibility

As per Apple’s guidelines, your app must work on all the hardware and software. You also need to stress out on the design of the app, so that it does not inefficiently use up the resources or put a strain on devices. Your app should be functional on every Apple device.

6. Payment system

Your mobile app should go through the official Apple in-app purchasing system if it takes payments to unlock functionality or allow the user to download digital content or make transactions. Make sure that money should be securely transferred via Apple’s marketplace.

It is important when you turn your website to a mobile app because traditional payment systems are connected to the site.

7. Lacking standard functionality

If you are releasing your mobile app just to give your customers another contact channel, it could result in rejection. All the content of your app should be real and final.

Content-Related Reasons for App Store Rejection

8. Imitation of another app

Apple rejects the mobile app that is conspicuously similar to another app. Make your own app and keep its content unique to avoid app store rejection.

9. Website or Application

If your mobile is based on a website, you need to ensure that whatever you upload should reflect in an app rather than a website in an app wrapper.

10. Placeholder content

Your mobile app looks incomplete and is not ready to be submitted for Apple Review if your app still has placeholder content in there. This will give them more reasons to dig and find out flaws.

11. Inaccurate description

Ensure your app description is to the point and accurate. If somehow, your app’s description misleads users to download the app, your app will get rejected in the first place.

12. Lack of valuable content

If your app has a bunch of web pages with no rhyme or reason and lacks valuable content, you can expect that your app will get rejected because of the lack of standard functionality.

13. Poor UI/UX

Design your mobile app in a way that it explains your business. Also, you need to include the right navigation in the app with custom features and functionalities. Else, Apple will take the app back to the drawing board if it doesn’t comply with standard iOS design specifications.

15. Mentioning other app platforms

Avoid mentioning Android apps or any other platforms in the app’s description, screenshots for the store, and more. Apple does not approve of it.

Wrapping Up

Invest more time and energy in building your app. You can start reaping the benefits of having an app in the iOS store if you create it as per Apple’s guidelines.

Consider building a mobile app via AppMySite mobile app builder to optimize your app according to App Store guidelines.