Are You Exhausted? Here Are 6 Signs to Watch for

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Are You Exhausted? Here Are 6 Signs to Watch for

Do you yawn during your afternoon meetings? Or do you pass out in movie nights? Well, these are probably the signs of being run down. These signs indicate that you are experiencing exhaustion.

But you need to remember that exhaustion does not only mean you are just tired. There lies a big difference that suggests exhaustion can be severely dangerous at times.

Most of the doctors suggest that we often ignore sleep as a crucial driving factor of health. In fact, interference with your sleep may lead to certain health complications. Different risks of viral infection, heart diseases, appetite regulation or increased inflammation may be responsible for your persistent exhaustion. Sleep is necessary to improve your exhausted immune cells as well.

Below are some signs of being run down. Read on this blog further to find out the root causes of your exhaustion.      

Signs of your exhaustion

Following are some clues that guide you to the varying reasons for your exhaustion:

You have dry lips

You may develop cracked lips, a scaly skin or may suffer from frequent headaches. Even dehydration may occur at this stage. Although these symptoms are common in cold and dry climate, you may get an additional feeling of completely draining out.

Well if that is the case, it is not just the case of cold climate. These symptoms indicate towards severe exhaustion. In fact, serious levels of dehydration may also lead you to fatigue. You can recognise exhaustion due to your dehydration through certain signs. For instance, you may continuously experience dry lips and skin, and feel an immense craving to drink something.

Hydration is a necessary factor that influences different systems running in your body. It is, therefore, essential to consume sufficient quantity of water to maintain your energy levels. This energy will help in eradicating your symptoms of exhaustion.    

Getting a fuzzy mind

Sleep is a major need of your brain; it acts like a fuel for proper functioning of your brain. Sleep allows the stabilisation of chemical imbalances in your body. It refreshes the areas of your brain that regulate your behaviour and mood. Sleep also enhances your brain to improve the processing of your knowledge and memories.

Your REM (rapid eye movement) sleep of 90 minutes is the most important for your fresh mind. In fact, any form of disturbance in your REM sleep can make your mind sluggish the following day.

Healthcare experts suggest sleep does not actually cause retention of knowledge in your brain, but it helps in reprocessing your experiences throughout the entire day. However, exhaustion often leads to a vulnerable mind in the individual. You will start to feel irritable or even forget important events.

You are sucking on workouts

Are you not working out wholeheartedly like your regular schedules? You will suffer in almost every aspect of your life if you undergo exhaustion. Exercise does not only include vigorous physical activity but mental concentration as well. Lack of rest may cause your brain to lag behind. This automatically resists yours body’s ability to challenge your health.

Poor sleep basically fosters notable consequences on your daily performance. For instance, you cannot even make it to the gym if you are feeling exhausted. When survival was much difficult in ancient days, the programming of our physiological setup was to find the easy way out.

With respect to current day, this easy way means losing a night of sleep, having unhealthy meals even missing your workout sessions even up to a week. You should not mistake these signs of being run down for simple lack of motivation.     

Ignoring your excessive stress

Stress will often keep you awake the entire night. However, the way you are handling this stress might lead you to exhaustion. The medical term for this condition of absence of sleep resulting from stress, exhaustion or some other factors is insomnia.

Some researchers carried out a survey by investigating different men and women regarding the stress in their lives. For instance, the researchers enquired about the effect of stress on their lives, how long they have been suffering from that stress, the intensity of the stress and how they have been dealing with it.  

After a year, the researchers reached the solution that most of the people coped with that stress simply by distracting themselves with some other matter. However, if you try to ignore such conditions of super stress, you may advance to chronic insomnia. You can identify this condition from signs like sleepless nights for days, weeks or even months. All these events ultimately lead to a continuous cycle of stress and exhaustion. These two factors ultimately end up in triggering each other. At such conditions, mindfulness techniques may help in easing this stress.   

Consumption of unusual junk items

Increasing exhaustion often triggers your craving for food items rich in fats and carbohydrates. This condition even leads to higher production of the stress hormone, cortisol. In response to cortisol release, your brain secretes serotonin, the calming hormone. This causes our body to demand for foods rich in carbohydrates and fats.

However, these kinds of highly processed and high glycemic foods like candies or soft drinks raise your blood sugar and insulin levels. The increased levels of insulin further trigger your cravings for sugary foods and high fat and high calorie items. All these again fuels up your exhaustion. For this reason, try to consume low glycemic foods like whole grains and fruits to stabilise your blood sugar levels.

Getting a poor sleep

You cannot ignore the impact of stress on exhaustion at any cost. Remember that lack of sleep is the most common factor responsible if you are undergoing constant exhaustion. It is, therefore, necessary to get a good quality of adequate sleep to alleviate your risks of chronic exhaustion. 


You must not ignore your exhaustion, mistaking it for a mere case of tiredness. Chronic exhaustion may lead to serious health complications. Once you observe your signs of being run down, immediately consult a healthcare specialist to get a better health and lifestyle.