PTE is a standardized examination for testing your level of proficiency in English. It is not an easy exam but you can achieve an outstanding score through proper practice, good knowledge, strong vocabulary and grammar, knowing the format correctly and managing time efficiently. If you want to evaluate where you stand and get an idea about which areas need more attention and improvement then take PTE mock test.

Tips and techniques to ace the PTE exam:
- Read Loudly: Read the text loudly before the recording starts to avoid making a mistake while using those words in your response. If you are not comfortable with the pronunciation of a certain word then skip it. If you pronounce it wrong you will end up losing points for content and pronunciation. Avoid taking long pauses and have a natural flow of speech. You can practice this task by taking the PTE mock test to evaluate your performance.
- Repeat Sentence: You should speak as many sentences as possible. Your target should be to speak at least half of them. For long sentences, if you manage to speak a few words then you will at least get 1 mark. To achieve the target you should practice by taking the PTE mock test.
- Describe image: You will get a graph for this task. You will have to speak and describe what is on each axis. Use 30 seconds to describe the graph and 10 seconds to give a strong conclusion. Use this technique in the PTE mock test to see where you stand.
- Re-tell lecture: Jot down important points from the recording and cover them while speaking. If you cannot speak a name or word, avoid speaking it so you do not lose marks for wrong pronunciation.
- Short answer questions: The computer picks the first word you speak. So think before you speak.
- Be confident while you speak and do not try to correct what you have already said.
- Make sure you use proper grammar, punctuations and avoid spelling mistakes.
- Avoid using complex words rather than go for simple terms.
- Frame your response in a structured form.
- Write impactful opening and closing statements.
- PTE mock testwill help you prepare and build up your confidence in writing your response.
- Listen carefully throughout the text and take notes.
- You will be able to frame your response from the important points you have noted down and make sure to cover all the necessary points.
- There might be surround noise but be focused on what the speaker is speaking. Any distraction can make you miss some important point.
- Practice focusing by taking the PTE mock test.
- Manage your time while you are writing your response.
- Write 65 – 70 words in 8 – 9 minutes of the time you get after listening to the content can get you a good score.
- Understand the overall idea of the passage. To save time you should read the question before reading the passage. This gives you an idea about what you are looking for before you begin to read.
- Use the Elimination rule. In this technique, you eliminate the options that are not correct. This helps to narrow down the list.
- Make use of Paraphrasing. In this technique, use different words to convey the same meaning by making changes to the structure of sentences.
- A Majority of the answers are easily found in the first and the last few lines of the passage.
- Practice working with timers by taking PTE mock testto get an overall idea about your performance on the actual PTE exam.