What Are We Going To Blender Today? Smoothies, Milkshakes, Ice Creams…

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What Are We Going To Blender Today? Smoothies, Milkshakes, Ice Creams…

 So, what are we going to blender today? Depending on whether you add milk or cream to a basic flavour, you will get a delicious smoothie, ice cream or milkshake. Besides, nothing prevents you from mixing a smoothie with milk or yoghurt at the last moment!

5 tips before getting started

1- The skin of fruits and vegetables concentrates vitamins, but it is also there that pesticides accumulate! Within the limits of his means, it is preferable to use organic fruits and vegetables, at least for the most contaminated: apple, carrots, grapes, celery, citrus. Wash and brush the others well.
2 - Always take very ripe fruit (and pitted, we say that for the heads in the air). Out of season, think of frozen fruits and vegetables (except for ice cream, since you should not refreeze).
3 - For smoothies and milkshakes, put your glasses in the freezer during the preparation time.
4 - Do not hesitate to experiment: for your ice creams and ice creams, try flavoured or vegetable milk (almond, spelt, soy). If you like a taste, go to the blender machine price in Bangladesh! The delicious chemical mixes made from Oreo, Speculoos, Mars and other Tagada strawberries are yours!
5 - Don't forget herbs, spices, seeds and "superfoods". A little fresh mint, a pinch of cinnamon, turmeric, fresh ginger and others will help make your mixes more interesting.

The blender smoothie

It is a smooth drink made from fruit shakes or, more rarely, vegetables. What differentiates it from the milkshake is the absence of milk or cream.
1. Red fruit smoothie
•    Put 600g of frozen red fruit in the bowl of your blender
•    Add 6 ice cubes
•    Mix and it's ready!
For a smooth version, you can add yoghurt or 30g of liquid cream to the recipe.
2. Smoothie Matcha-Mango Green Tea

In the du blender bowl, mix one and a half teaspoons of matcha green tea, 1 mango and 1 tablespoon of honey.
Le milk-shake au blender

It was originally flavoured milk shaken in a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
In its blender version, if you add cream, you will get frothy ice cream.
Count a measure of milk for a measure and a half of ice cubes.
1. Milk Shake Oreo Vanille
We mix Oreo cookies and vanilla ice cream. Not too tired? If it's too thick, add a little very cold milk, but no ice cubes.
2. Milk Shake Strawberry Tagada

•    Put 500 g of strawberry ice cream in the blender
•    Mix with a glass of milk, 5 ice cubes and 5 or 6 Tagada strawberries.
•    Try again because it's too good.
Ice cream in the blender + ice cream maker (or not!)

The real recipe is based on milk, eggs and sugar.
If you add cream or yoghurt, it's ice cream or ... frozen yoghurt.
Preferably use icing sugar or honey, which can be easily incorporated.
1. The generic ice cream recipe

•    Mix 500 g of fruit with ½ litre of whole milk, 6 egg yolks, 20 cl of cream, 100 or 130 g of icing sugar (depending on the acidity of the fruit).
•    Put the mixture in an ice cream maker.
Without an ice cream maker, place the preparation for 4 hours in the freezer. Take it out every hour to scrape it off with a fork to remove the crystals and return immediately to the freezer (must not thaw). Let stand 30 mins at room temperature before serving
2. Chocolate vanilla ice cream

•    Mix 75 g of chocolate to obtain the shavings and set them aside.
•    In the blender bowl, mix 60 g icing sugar and 3 egg yolks without blanching them.
•    Add 60 cl of fresh milk, 30 cl of whole cream and a teaspoon of vanilla flavour.
•    Mix by lathering the preparation well (for a more authentic recipe, incorporate by hand the 3 whites beaten in snow).
•    When the mixture is ready, pour into your ice cream maker.
•    Leave to sit for 5 minutes, then slowly and gradually add the chocolate chips before putting in the fridge (without ice cream maker, see the previous recipe).