Why Seniors Need Vitamin C?

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Why Seniors Need Vitamin C?

Are your parents often catches flu whenever rainy season comes? Do they get sick easily? If so, they are likely to experience vitamin C deficiency. Adult over 50 are more prone to ailments like cough and cold that would cause them pneumonia when things get complicated and not treated immediately.It is because their immune system weakens gradually as they age. 

In order to keep their body healthy, getting sufficient supply of vitamin C is necessary. When the supply is enough, it boosts their immunity and protects all the cells in their body through neutralizing free radicals. Thus, it makes your parents free from acquiring cancer. Moreover, it decreases the risk of developing heart diseases by lowering blood pressure, increases anti-oxidant level and helps their body absorb iron efficiently.

How vitamin C works in the body?

Vitamin C is essential for growth and development. It is responsible for forming collagen and repairing all the damaged tissues in the body. When the body receives ascorbic acid, it enables the body to make ligaments, skin, blood vessels and tendons—making the seniors maintain a healthy skin, bone, and teeth as they age. It boosts immune system by aiding white blood cell production. Thus, they are free from immune system deficiencies like sick, cough, and cold. 

As an antioxidant, it cleanses their body from all the toxics they get from the food they eat. Detoxification is important, especially for their age, to lower the risk of developing chronic ailments like cancer and heart diseases. It breaks down those free radicals that may put them in a life-threatening situation. Aside from that, it plays as an essential micronutrients by producing neurotransmitters in the brain and energizing the body.

Low supply of ascorbic acid can affect cardiovascular function, immune health and skin elasticity. When seniors are vitamin C deficient, they are likely to experience the some symptoms and conditions such as gingivitis or gums inflammation, bleeding gums and nose, wound heals slower than normal, dry skin and hair, easily get sick, cold and cough as well as painful joints due to swollen. 

Sources of Vitamin C

It is a water-soluble vitamin which cannot be produced by the body on its own. In order to stay fit, elderly men are advised to get 90 milligrams of vitamin C daily while 75 milligrams senior women.They can get the daily recommended dosage of it from the following food and beverages with high vitamin C content: 


Citrus fruits like grapefruit, orange, tangerine, and lemon as well as other fruits such as cantaloupe, watermelon, papaya, mango, kiwi, pineapple, and berries such as raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, and strawberry are best sources of vitamin C.


Tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, spinach, potatoes, kale, cauliflower, broccoli and other leafy green veggies.

Vitamin C is also available in fortified beverages like orange and lemon juices available in the market as well as in food supplement. On the other hand, tea, coffee and other alcoholic drinks decrease the absorption of this vitamin. Smoking also lowers the supply in their body. 

5 Benefits of vitamin C in an aging body

Boosts Immunity

Vitamin C is an effective immunity booster that is why, when seniors get sick they are advised by their doctor to take medicine containing with this vitamin. It helps them build their natural defenses against diseases. It is because it enables the immune cells to be at steady level and to function properly. It also contributes to the production of white blood cell production such as phagocytes and lymphocytes that frees their body from getting diseases and infections. 

Gives seniors a healthy hair and radiant skin

Wrinkles, sagging and drooping are inevitable to seniors. As they age, the elasticity of their skin naturally declines. However, when their body has enough supply of vitamin C, their body produces more collagen that maintains skin elasticity because of its antioxidant properties giving them a healthy and radiant skin. Apart from that, ascorbic acid aids the wound and burn to heal faster by helping photoprotection and lessening photodamage.

Reduces the risk of chronic diseases and conditions

Another good benefit of vitamin C for seniors is that it reduces the risk of chronic diseases and conditionslike cancer and cardiovascular ailments. Vitamin C shield an aging body from cancer by blocking the molecules called free radicals that harm the cells causing those not function properly. As an antioxidant, it cleanses the body from all the toxicities it can get from food. 

On the other hand, the heart weakens due to aging. But, vitamin C enables the elders to have a healthy heart by lowering blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol levels. Also, it makes their body free from oxidative stress—a kind of stress that cause the arteries to clog—which adds and affects the aging process.

Another factor why vitamin C helps the body in staying fit is because it makes the body free from oxidative stress. This kind of stress adds and affects the aging process. 

Prevents iron deficiency anemia

Seniors are susceptible to iron deficiency anemia—a kind of anemia due to low iron level in the body. Vitamin C, although not entirely responsible for anemia, can prevent this disease from occurring. It is due to the fact that this vitamin assists and improves the body to absorb heme and non-hemeiron mineral efficiently. Also, heart and lungs can be prevented because when an aging body has low supply of iron, these organs have to work harder to cope up the essential energy required of their body. 

Final Thought

Vitamin C is very important for the seniors. It plays an essential role to keep their body fit and healthy. Since it is water-soluble vitamin meaning it does not get stored in their body. That is why, it is necessary to eat vitamin C-rich foods regularly. When eating becomes a problem, they can take food supplement such as the Cantley LifeCare Natural Timed Release Vitamin C with Rosehip Supplement to supply their body the needed amount of ascorbic acid. Though, they must consult first the doctors before taking any kinds of vitamin.