Watch Out! Here Comes Artificial Intelligence for the Content Marketing Realm!

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Watch Out! Here Comes Artificial Intelligence for the Content Marketing Realm!

The overpowering showering of promises from the digital world did not go to vain, considering the successful infiltration of Artificial intelligence into content marketing. While producing and publishing quality content always remained the key to a successful drawing of traffic, there was a persisting need to bring in further modifications. The fervent touch of advanced technologies lacked from content quality. This was fulfilled by the incoming embrace of Artificial Intelligence that ensured sure-fire preparation of content for the future.

Soon all trades caught up to this beta-stage of an evolving trend, that was, an amalgamation of AI into the content. Following this, new endeavours were being made to automate and scale up marketing strategies of content to ensure that AI created greater value for clients and increased its efficiency.

Professional Content writing services providing agencies looked to boost their traffic with this new edge. The introduction of AI meant simultaneous incorporation of multiple techniques and sharpening of old ones. This included –

  • Natural learning processing,
  • Machine learning,
  • Natural language generation,
  • Neural networks,
  • Deep learning, etc.

Trends of AI in marketing :

Ai in Marketing

  1. AI and content marketing

According to pro content writers in Mumbai, the onset of Artificial Intelligence into marketing is bound to enhance the efficiency of the sales team and hence bring is more revenues. Running an analysis of the user’s list of preference and likes will become convenient and hassle-free, thanks to several cutting-edge AI tools that would crawl websites and then customise a website accordingly.

The precision in data analysis and collection enables one to decide upon the relevance of a potential customer. The infiltration of AI into marketing can well be understood by decoding these following numbers –

  • 81% of AI adopters used Ai to improvise their email marketing
  • 47% of digitally proficient companies have strategized their AI base for mobiles and will soon be implementing it shortly.
  • As predicted, by 2020, an approximate of 30% of globally acclaimed organisations will be using AI in their sales endeavours
  1. Bots statistics

A common question that emerges in the minds of millions is regarding the degree of impact that Artificial Intelligence will bring into the content realm. Well, time is the best judge. As for now, one can only make predictions taking into account present statistics provided by the best content writing companies–

  • Use of bots for business will curtail business cost by approximately $8 billion by 2022.
  • Chatbots will be entitled to power about 85% of customer services by 2020
  • At present, 63% of people prefer messaging with an online bot to communicate with a brand.
  1. Virtual assistants

Overpowering the world and life of common mass, virtual assistants are now a part of everyone’s daily schedule. Content writing company are now bent upon making content that is read-worthy by the Alexa, Google, Cortana and Siri. They aim to produce content that is voice search optimized so that it catches up to the upcoming vocal revolution.

This is evident from the rising popularity of smart speakers and growing dependence on virtual assistants –

  • By 2020, 50% of all queries will become voice searches
  • In 2018 alone, the global virtual assistant market touched $5.21 billion

So, irrespective of the genre of your trade, hang in there and grab on to the upcoming AI tools and be future-ready! Get ready to witness a massive change in your businessturnover and traffic!